Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First Thoughts

Many things happen, and all the damn time. Time and its endless mush keeps goo-ing on, not in one direction but all over the place, all thick and floating and sticking and sometimes, rarely, translucent.

What I end up doing (I use the phrase “end up” cause that's what it feels like) with my crazy time is travel on foot and by thumb, finding the humyns who inspire me and diving into the projects that make me alive. I have been traveling to ecovillages, radical queer communities, hoppin cities and wacked out protests. Some of this is intentional, much of this is an unlikely combination of instinct and wind direction.

This traveling, networking some might say, puts me ever in a state of leaned back awe. Sometimes I wonder what the thread is that holds all of this dreaming together, and I realize that I am the common variable in this trip (aka my life thing). Held in this queer feminist anti-racist anarchist-tending love bug is some sort of synthesis of actions and communities that I hope to articulate on these pages. I have learned a lot and will use this writing to connect more threads and learn deeper. For those dedicated to life liberation (all of us in some private way, no?) this is a space for us to gather more tactics, more articulations, and, most importantly, more friends.

Method to the m(adn)ess:
This blog has several categories. I may narrow down or expand what I write about here after I figure out what translates best to blog-o-land, so give me feedback. Really like direct action ideas but hate poems? Really like poems but want more photos? Let me know and then it will get better. This shit should be useful and fun, cause nothing's useful if it ain't fun. My main goal is to synthesize ideas coming from many places and communities and spit them back in a way that is useful for all of us.


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